Society has changed much in the 6 years since I wrote my intentions, convictions and beliefs, which you will read below. The sexual identity movement has exploded into a variety of acronyms that trying to understand them all is an exercise in futility. In a world where people want to be politically correct the populace has not voiced concern to counter this sexual revolution thus unrighteousness has heightened in all sectors of society, not just the sexual identity movement. When society starts to break down, men and women of moral standing have to draw a line between what they are willing to accept and what they unequivocally object.
People in America have lost their ability to draw a line in the sand for fear of being labeled with names that make them into social lepers, for lack of better terms. They forget that in a society that accepts immorality that same society vilifies morality. This fulfills a prophecy that states, “woe unto them that say that good is bad and bad is good.” Morality stems from a Judeo/Christian mindset that uses the Bible as a code of morality and correct ethics. Ethics can be perverted by a society that practices a lack of ethics because the minority can dictate through guilt and propaganda the terms of the ethics of a land and a people, and when truly ethical people are silent, the unethical people transform the ethics of a land. People have practiced immorality from the beginning of time. YHVH has given people a choice to be moral or immoral. Society has given people the right to force their bad ethics on their moral peers with threats of slander, societal homicide and legal disputes. YHVH has also given to mankind the gift of forgiveness through the blood of His Son, the Lamb of God. YHVH doesn’t send people to Torments, their failure to accept his gift of forgiveness causes themselves to send themselves there.
With these things in mind. I present below why, if asked to perform a marriage ceremony to anyone that practices sexual deviance of any sort, even heterosexuals that violate Torah instructions, I will decline, but if forced to do so, I will resort to the dictates below. At the bottom of this dictation I have provided a list of sexual deviances and entities that I will not perform ceremonies for unions. Some of the definitions might sound outlandish or outside the box, but in a day and age where lawlessness runs rampant in this world, expect the unexpected to occur. I guarantee that some of these “outlandish” things have happened already, or will happen in the foreseeable future. If you identify with any of the definitions except for heterosexuality, or are cohabitate, marry and/or have relations with such entities then please do not contact me. Every major population center in the US, Canada and many cities around the world have organizations where you can get what you want. Read below concerning if the issue is forced.
Intentions, Convictions and Beliefs:
Today, June 26, 2015; the United States Supreme Court made the decision that unions between same-sex couples are constitutionally acceptable and a right afforded to homosexuals (gays, lesbians
Up until today, marriage was (and still is from my Biblical standpoint) only valid between a man and a woman in a heterosexual relationship. Heterosexual marriage is defined by YHVH as Holy and it is defined by nature as natural, that being that two people come together in a monogamous relationship for love, but more importantly for the procreation of children, one with another (man with woman), for the perpetuation of the human species. Even the higher animals of this Earth know that and practice it (heterosexuality) without question.
I also want to further affirm that YHVH created people with one gender and that gender is coded in everyone’s DNA. Neither I or my ministry agree that transsexualism is valid in any form. If your DNA says you have a “XY” chromosome then you are a male and if your DNA has an “XX” chromosome then you are a woman. YHVH doesn’t make mistakes. Hence, I will not perform blessings over any couple that has either partner that is transgender.
I have performed one marriage ceremony, between a man and a woman. It was a holy convocation and one based on YHVH’s Biblical standards.
The implication’s of this new “ruling” by a Supreme Court, devoid of any moral conscience or religious conviction, can be seen if one chooses to look down the road at what perverted people practice and will try to force upon good, holy, normal and honest people. It causes people like myself to look down that road to see what ramifications could exist should reprobate people come to me and ask me to unite them in Matrimony. Notice I didn’t say “Holy Matrimony,” because there is nothing whatsoever holy about homosexuality, bestiality, and sex with anything or anyone other than an adult male or female of the OPPOSITE sex. If you were born a male then proof exists that you have a “XY” chromosome and if you are a female then proof exists that you were born with an “XX” chromosome.
For this reason, I have to say that I will no longer perform the traditional marriage ceremony that people have performed since the beginning of creation. In the stead of a “marriage” ceremony, I have decided to change the format.
- I will not perform a ceremony that requires me to sign a legal document from a secular body or a religious body that is involved in perversion and/or abomination.
- If you are believers and want a “legal” marriage; legal as defined by the laws of the United States, any State within the United States or any other secular body, then I suggest that you go to the Justice of The Peace and get that document in a secular ceremony. That way you can be “legal” in the eyes of secular and Laodicean Christian terms. After that time, I will “bless” you in a “Believer’s” Convocation and you will be “united” through YHVH and in YHVH.
- I will perform blessing ceremonies for people who want to be right in the eyes of YHVH. This ceremony will not contain the word marriage, but the word blessing. Note also that blessings are only for people of Jewish or Christian faith who would like a blessing on their union. I represent the Kingdom of YHVH and will conduct affairs in that Kingdom and that Kingdom only. What you have to do to survive in the secular world and through the government auspices is your concern and responsibility. Note also, that since I won’t be officiating over any ceremony where I will have sign any secular document or declare you “married,” by the State’s terms, you will not be considered married by them without your civil ceremony done by them.
- During a blessing, I will espouse all of the blessing bestowed upon you as stated in Biblical Scripture as it exists in the unadulterated King James Bible (the original Authorized Version) as it currently exists (up until this date in 2015) and will reject all other versions and/or other languages. I reserve the right to use Hebrew blessings if they are requested and as they pertain to Holy Blessing Convocations.
- Should the situation arise, and it always will; that a homosexual couple, or a bestial couple or any other couple other than a traditional heterosexual couple where two humans want to be “blessed,” then I reserve the right and will perform a cursing ceremony. This will happen if you press the matter and try to force me through threats of legal action or social intimidation or threats of violence. Anything other than a Biblical heterosexual marriage is an abomination before YHVH and will be treated as an abomination. I will not in these instances, perform a blessing, and I reserve the right to curse such unions; and I will also cite any or all Biblical scriptures (as found in the current KJV Bible) as an evidence that you are living a curse and are an abomination to YHVH. Furthermore, I do reserve the right and privilege to turn down such requests being that I find any cohabitation lifestyle other than natural male and natural female habitation a blessed union, to be entirely offensive to me, to my faith and of course to my Elohim. Since “offenses” seem to be the caveat that people use to bring shame and litigation and defamation to those they oppose, I reserve the right to call anything other than heterosexual sex abominable and the highest insult to YHVH, my faith and nature itself and because of that, I find those things OFFENSIVE. If every sector of society can cry “you offended me” and get their way, I claim that right for myself too.
- I also reserve the right to not enter a setting of any type where a homosexual, bestial or any other perversion of true marriage is performed.
- If a homosexual or bestial or any other type of perverted couple seek me out “pre-marital” counseling I will decline. If pressed or threatened to perform such counseling, that counseling will consist of informing said couple of their sinful nature, their sinful act and their need to repent, come to faith in Yeshua and to “go and sin no more.” I will not counsel with comforting words or acceptance of that lifestyle(s) and I certainly will not give my blessing.
- If a heterosexual (straight) couple seeks out a blessing there may be conditions. IF the members of the couple are Born Again through the Blood of Yeshua they will need to each submit a letter of testimony for my review followed by at least two meetings with me and my wife. If a heterosexual couple is not Born Again, or if one member is and the other is not, we shall talk in a couple of meetings so that I can explain what I will be doing and where the Gospel of Yeshua Ha Mashiach will be shared and an invitation will be extended. I will only conduct an interfaith blessing if Judaism and Born Again Christianity are the factors. In addition, the condition must be set that no forcing of the Messianic or Christian individual from their faith to unfulfilled Judaism is demanded.
What I have declared here today might seem harsh to some, but it is a common sense solution to corrupt and reprobate people and their sinister ways. If you are a homosexual couple and you want to “marry,” I suggest you go to any number of 501c3 Churches who will gladly (and now through inculcation) perform your civil ceremony for you as prescribed by any applicable state law. Neither I nor my ministry is under the 501c3 guidelines, nor do we have ties with any governmental body.
As has always been the case, all throughout history, when the Body of Mashiach has been pressed from all sides by evil and perverted people, there has been a need to “clarify” the position of Holiness and the refusal to partake in the unfruitful deeds of darkness. This is such “clarification,” and a declaration of my position and statement of my faith where this immoral and perverted edict by a sick and dying government and society is concerned.
Heterosexual – Human males and females as defined by their DNA structure who are anatomically structured biologically, chemically and naturally hormonal in nature.
Homosexual – Human males and females as defined by their DNA to be male or female, but who CHOOSE to ignore the order of nature and the Creator of Nature and practice sexually or define themselves in dispute with their DNA structure. Since atypical sex society lends itself to numerous designations (EX. LGBTQ….) I state categorically that the only sexual designations that I affirm as valid are M for male and F for female.
Bestial – A human that practices sex or has an erotic relationship with any animal or being (physical or spiritual) other than human.
Botantial – A human that practices sex or has an erotic relationship with any item of the botanical (plant) kingdom or organism’s that are not classified directly in the plant and animal kingdoms.
Extraterrestrial – As currently defined, a being that claims to come from other world, galaxies or any other place of the universe other than Earth. This term also applies to interdimensional beings and will be further defined by this author as paranormal beings, including ghosts, poltergeists, supposed deceased people, demons, Nephilim, Rephaim, ghouls, goblins, trolls and angels
Underage Humans – This is defined as two people, a human male and human female where one or both of the people are underage. Underage is defined as from conception to 18 years old in earth years.
A.I. and Transhumanism – A.I. is defined as artificial intelligence either in electronic or spiritual form or in human melding with such technology. Transhumanism is defined as people who were created human and had genetic and/or A.I. transformation or had DNA manipulation or A.I. implantation at conception or with invitro or invivo techniques, also humans who have had these procedures at any point in life, whether natural or extended. Artificial Intelligence is also defined as whether robotic or human appearing in image for the purpose of gratification and/or companionship.
Homo Noeticus or Homo Deus – Homo Noeticus is a New Age notion that humans need to evolve spiritually so that they can become closer to the universe, among other things. Noeticus comes from a Greek root that means: understanding, perception and a clear mind. Homo Deus is defined as “god man,” denoting that a person or persons have evolved to become gods. This ministry recognizes only Homo Sapiens.
Mechanisms – Defined as devices, whether electronic, mechanical, anthropomorphic or symbolic of any part of a male’s or female’s anatomy, used for self gratification or the gratification of a partner(s).
Vegetative, Comatic or Necrotic – I should not have to place this category here, but with societal decline anything can be expected. These are defined as any entity which is in a vegetative state, or is in a coma or are deceased. Necrotic is defined as an entity, whether human or other designation that has died and is in a state of decay. It also includes reanimated organisms in any form.