So Why A Jewish Page?
Years ago I realized my Jewish Heritage. Through family murmurings and hushed stories as well as recognized traits I came to find out that I am Jewish. Later that would be confirmed through DNA testing.
Since I was a very young man I felt special like I have been called out from amongst the peoples of the Earth. Through the years both my mother and father would utter how they felt like our family was called out, special and not like the others in our neighborhood. Even in the worse times, we lacked very little. When money was tight it seemed that Yahweh would provide money or items that we would need. Both sides of my family came out of Catholicism generations before I was born because my ancestors felt a higher calling. If anyone is a believer in predestination, it is me.
After I became a believer in Yeshua Ha Mashiach the drive to study Torah, Neviim and Ketuvim became stronger and the search to find my ancient Hebrew Roots intensified greatly. While this page does not link to sites that are of a Yeshua focus, it does link to sites that talk about Jewish culture, a culture that YHWH has preserved for countless generations. So please feel free to look at the sites that I’ve linked to, remembering that I don’t necessarily adhere to Jewish “Tradition,” but with the knowledge that I am a Torah Abiding Jew that believes that Yeshua is YHVH in the flesh and that He will return for we believers as Yeshua Ben Joseph and Yeshua Ben David, and will do so for Jews everywhere who will all recognize Him for being both. May YHVH hasten those days, Blessed be His Name, Amen.
Oh, and if you are wondering if I am a Zionist, you bet your life I am!!
American Jewish Historical Society
Zionist Organization Of America
Cyber Home Of The Torah – OU Online
Maven Search – Jewish And Israel Related Resources
The Temple Mount Faithful – Working to establish the 3rd Temple
The Temple Institute – Dedicated to building The Temple in Jerusalem
UCSJ – An Advocate For Russian Jews
Chabad Lubavich – Learn more about Judaism from an Ultra-Orthodox perspective.